4) Defining credentials
Credentials can be defined in the “credentials” block in the doflo.jsonc file.There is an optional “check” field that is used by the app UI to validate the credentials work correctly. The “check” field points to a function, an example can be found here:https://github.com/doflo-elements/flow-element-jira/blob/main/doflo.jsonc#L38C8-L38C13

First add the OAuth definition of the credential to the doflo.jsonc file, this contains names of the fields that are expected to be returned. An example for Jira can be found here:https://github.com/doflo-elements/flow-element-jira/blob/main/doflo.jsonc#L28 Once the OAuth credential is defined it has to be implemented, an example can be found here:https://github.com/doflo-elements/flow-element-jira/blob/main/remote/src/connect/app.ts Using OAuth will require a client id and client secret (these can be obtained from the third party service you are integrating with). These values should be loaded from environment variables and can be set from the developer portal: